Sunday, November 11, 2007

Spallumcheen calls for the end of NORD

By Tyler Olsen - Vernon Morning Star - November 11, 2007

The Township of Spallumcheen wants the North Okanagan Regional District scrapped and electoral areas annexed by neighbouring municipalities or incorporated themselves.In a release issued this week, the township calls for a “‘valley-wide’ commission-type model to replace the three valley regional districts.” Such a commission would oversee functions such as transit, watersheds, air quality, 911, emergency planning and solid waste. Other functions would be handled by intermunicipal agreements. Mayor Will Hansma said people are fed up with bickering at the regional district and the best solution would see the whole enterprise scrapped. “We need to overcome the issues around the functions. We’re spending such an incredible amount of money on reviews of this and reviews of that.”

He said the regional districts weren’t set up as a permanent solution to anything and closing the book on them would be best for all concerned. “Let’s just call a fate a fate and get it done,” said Hansma. “Let’s roll this regional district into oblivion.” Spallumcheen has cast an eye towards Electoral Area B and the Swan Lake Corridor in the past and Hansma said, absolutely,” when asked whether he would like to see the Swan Lake corridor become part of the township.But he said any annexation would be unlikely to bring in more revenue and that the provincial government would probably need to step up to balance the costs.

“It’s going to take every last cent that we get from the tax base there to pay for that,” added Hansma. “I don’t think there is any money in this for us. We might break even with the assistance of the province.” But he added that he wouldn’t want the township subsidizing an increased land base.Hansma said electoral areas would receive much better representation as municipalities and that residents would benefit, with Spallumcheen and Area B natural partners “They said they would want to be part of a rural municipality, not a city. “It would be more suited to being part of Spallumcheen.”Area B director Cliff Kanester said residents want to keep their community rural, although whether that means joining with a neighbouring electoral area or municipality is up in the air.While he said the cost of any changes must be analysed, Kanester added, “I think (residents) would like to preserve their rural lifestyle.“I don’t think you can keep that if you’re amalgamated with the City of Vernon.” NORD chairman Jerry Oglow welcomed Spallumcheen’s input. “I’m really pleased that municipalities like the township are thinking outside the box and prepared to look at different government structures.”

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