Thursday, November 08, 2007

Vernon and Districts Taxpayers’ Association Press Release


At the Emergency Public Information Meeting on November 6, 2007, after a video presentation and a public discussion of the issue of Bylaw Enforcement in the City of Vernon, the Vernon and Districts Taxpayers’ Association:

1. Are appalled at the violence exhibited by a bylaw officer on members of the public--clearly a violation of the Bylaw Division’s own mission statement that “the goal of Bylaw Enforcement is not to penalize the citizens of Vernon or visitors to our City but, rather, to achieve compliance through education and the provision of information in order to preserve the quality of life to which each citizen is entitled”;
2. Are disturbed by reports of Bylaw Officers behaving contrary to the conduct required in their job description: a. the ability to exercise mature judgment in problem solving. b. the ability to communicate in a courteous, tactful and diplomatic manner c. the ability to diffuse agitated persons;
3. See the purpose of the new uniform with its slash-proof vest and the weaponry as a tactic of intimidation contrary to preserving the Quality of Life to which each citizen is entitled and possibly may lead to tear gas spray, handcuffs and tazers.
3. Demand that Council make the Bylaw Enforcement Division accountable to Council and not the Chief Inspector of the RCMP since bylaw enforcement employees and their management are part of public administration and must be accountable to City Council;
4. Demand that City Council ensure that people selected for bylaw enforcement work be assessed first and foremost as to their suitability in dealing with people and that those employees be clear in their mission and show respect to all citizens at all times with continuing monitoring and accountability ensured by Council.
5. Request that Council expand Community Policing to deal with concerns about public safety as Community Policing is more in keeping with Sir Robert Peel's most often quoted principle: The police are the public and the public are the police.

Also discussed at the meeting was the present status of the Civic Office Complex and the Vernon & Districts Taxpayers’ Association:

1. Support the Official Community Plan (OCP) revision process and the Downtown Neighbourhood Development Plan (DNDP) and regrets Council’s obsession with holding a referendum in January prior to the completion of the OCP revision.
2. Believe that good municipal planning dictates the development of cities and neighbourhoods.
3. Calls on Mayor Lippert and Council to defer such a referendum until both the new OCP and DNDP are completed.

Should Mayor Lippert and Council insist on not respecting the moratorium on major new development until the OCP is completed, the Vernon & Districts Taxpayers’ Association shall oppose vigorously the January 26 referendum.

It should be noted that Mayor Lippert and Council were all invited to attend this meeting. Councillors Beardsell and Cunningham were the only Councillors present. The Vernon & Districts Taxpayers Association is engaged with all community affairs as a positive contribution to community life and is always available to assist Council with citizen input and committee work.

Contact: Tony Stamboulieh 260-1082

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