Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Vernon Highlights from Regional Library meeting of Nov. 21

Okanagan Regional Library Board November 21, 2007, 10:00 A.M.

3. Vernon Branch, Update

Lesley Dieno introduced Mr. Don Schmitt, Architect, and Mr. Tim Spiegel, Cost Consultant, of Diamond and Schmitt Architects, CEI Architecture.
3.1 Presentation by Architect of Revised Plans and Costing
Mr. Schmitt gave a PowerPoint presentation on the revised schematic plans for the proposed new Library/Civic building, located on the existing City Hall site. Mr. Spiegel then presented the costs. Mr. Nettleton clarified that the Library is firm on their initial $9M commitment, and that anything over that amount would be resolved through the partnership agreement.

3.2 Letter from Sue Blakely, Deputy City Clerk, Vernon, October 12, 2007, re Vernon Branch.
3.3 Letter from Patti Bridal, City Clerk, Vernon, October 12, 2007, re proposed library/civic complex.
Items 3.2 and 3.3 contain the motions passed by Vernon council regarding the city hall/civic site project.

Motion #3 11.21.07
Moved by Jack Bennest, seconded by Colin Day, To receive correspondence Items 3.2 and 3.3.

3.4 Memo from L. Dieno

Ms. Dieno reviewed her memo. Vernon Council will hold a referendum on January 26, 2008, regarding long term borrowing for the purpose of building the Library/Civic Complex. Council has confirmed that a “No” vote on the referendum means that the project would not proceed.

Motion #4 11.21.07
Moved by Colin Day, seconded by Jack Bennest, To extend the interim partnership agreement between the Okanagan Regional Library and the City of Vernon to February 29, 2008. Carried.

Mr. Nettleton discussed leasing vs. ownership, and recommended that equity/ownership is the best option for the Board. In response to a query, Mayor Lippert responded that Vernon council is in agreement with that recommendation.

Motion #5 11.21.07
Moved by Len Novakowski, seconded by Colin Day, That the Library Board reaffirms their commitment of up to $9M to the capital costs of the proposed new building, in order to have some equity/ownership in the new Civic building. Carried unanimously.

Ms. Dieno then discussed the referendum and what a “no” vote would mean to the Library Board. Mayor Lippert reported on Vernon’s position, stating that council is looking for an indication of where the Library stands if the referendum fails. It was noted that the Library Board will continue to do its best for the community in conjunction with the City of Vernon.

Motion #6 11.21.07
Moved by Edward Minshull, seconded by Maria Sadegur, To receive number 3 of Item 3.4 from the memo. Carried.

Ms. Dieno queried about clarifying misinformation in the media. Vernon CAO, Leon Gous, reported on Vernon council’s upcoming plans for public communication and open houses prior to the referendum.

Motion #7 11.21.07
Moved by Len Novakowski, seconded by Deb Leroux, That the Board reiterate its support for the Vernon project, and direct staff to relay information to the public, and convey the Boards enthusiasm for the project. Carried.

11.3 Vernon Branch – Municipal Financing Authority

Motion#22 11.27.07
Moved by John Slater, seconded by Sue Phillips, To direct staff to write to the Ministry, requesting consideration to allow local libraries to apply to the municipal financing authority for funding capital projects, and to copy the letter to other library boards urging them to support the application. Carried.

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