Saturday, November 17, 2007

Westside Results


Rosalind Ness will be the first Mayor of the Westside. Neis wins with 33.4% of the vote, 520 votes ahead of challenger Aaron
Dinwoodie. She will be joined in council by Doug Findlater, Duane Ophis, Carol Zanon, Gord Milsom and Heather Pilling and Mary Mandarino. It’s estimated there were 22,564 eligible voters in the Westside District Municipality council election. The total number of ballots cast is 9,987. It’s estimated there were 7,449 eligible voters in the Central Okanagan West Electoral Area Director election. The total number of ballots cast is 598. The results of the election will not be officially declared by the Chief Election Officer until Wednesday, November 21st by 4:00 pm.

Rosalind Neis seeks your support and vote for Mayor in the upcoming local election on November 17. She firmly believes that Joining Kelowna is the best way forward for the citizens and taxpayers of this growing Westside community. She intends to work diligently to achieve this objective and would likewise work diligently and responsibly as Mayor. She will work harmoniously with the council elect to address the range of issues that affect the Westside during this interim and listen respectfully to all Westside residents.

Vote 4 Community Benefits:

  • Keep taxes from increasing at an alarming rate
  • Stronger Voice and Enhanced Identity as part of Kelowna
  • Less Government bureaucracy and Duplication of Services
  • Benefit from Kelowna’s 102 years of experience

Vote 4 an Action Plan:

  • Disincorporation application
  • Submit disincorporation request by majority of electors
  • Ensure no debt is incurred beyond what is inherited
  • Extension of boundaries with agreement from both municipalities

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