Monday, December 17, 2007

City may be owed money

The City of Vernon may be owed some money. Mayor Wayne Lippert says a review of services the City provided to the North Okanagan Regional District has revealed a shortfall in payment. “The shortfall amounts to about $714,000, which we believe is owed to the City by NORD. Our staff feels we haven’t been fully reimbursed for the services the City has provided to NORD over the last year. Services such as parks and water contracts, maintaining water lines for electoral areas ‘B’ and ‘C,’” says Lippert. He says a meeting has been arranged between the two groups to sort out the issue. “We will be meeting with NORD officials later this week to determine who is owed what.” Lippert says the resolution of the payment could have an impact on resident’s taxes. “The City is considering a five percent tax increase next year, which works out to about $700,000. So it could impact that.” Lippert says the meeting between City and NORD officials is expected to take place on Thursday.
See Also City demands cash from NORD

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