Sunday, December 09, 2007

Concerns arise over Vernon Hill development

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - December 09, 2007

Opposition is growing to a proposed residential development in the BX. Vernon council will be asked by its environmental advisory committee Monday to write a letter to the North Okanagan Regional District opposing Boss Creek Development’s project on Galiano Road on Vernon Hill. “It’s far from services – commercial and transit. It represents sprawl,” said Coun. Buffy Baumbrough, who is a member of the committee. Boss Creek is proposing 140 lots on 700 acres as part of the Vernon Hill Ranch project. The lots would vary from two to five acres in size. While the property is within the regional district and outside city limits, Baumbrough says the proposal goes against the guiding principles of Vernon’s official community plan review. “We’ve received a clear message from citizens about how they want development to proceed,” she said. “There is also the potential destruction of habitat. There’s a need to have a strong environmental assessment done.”

Concern is also coming from the North Okanagan Naturalists Club. “The development should not proceed until a comprehensive environmental assessment is completed in the active seasons, with thorough field studies of the entire site,” said Bill Image, club member, in a letter to NORD. “Apply Smart Growth planning principles to this development for the benefit of both humans and nature, ie. clustered housing on the lower less sensitive slopes close to existing roads, and a layout that will minimize the scarring visual impact from the valley.” Officials with Boss Creek Development were not aware of the environmental advisory committee’s recommendation to city council. However, project manager Darren Mead-Miller defends plans for Vernon Hill Ranch. “Boss Creek s following the OCP NORD has adopted. That’s where we’ve taken our marching orders from,” he said. NORD has given first reading to an OCP amendment application for the project, but rezoning has not been considered.A staff report to the Electoral Area Services Committee is anticipated Dec. 18, and further approvals could be considered at that time.

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