Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Councillor proposesfunding option for ranch

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - December 12, 2007

A Vernon politician believes gambling dollars should be pumped into a heritage site to ensure its future. Coun. Barry Beardsell suggests the community casino in Vernon should evolve into a destination casino as a way of generating funds to support historic O’Keefe Ranch. “Maybe the scourge could be turned into something good,” he said, referring to his dislike of gambling. Currently, city hall receives 10 per cent of the net revenue generated by the Lake City Casinos outlet. If the provincial government allowed it to become a destination casino, the share of net revenue would be 16.6 per cent. “In one year alone, that would give the ranch enough capital to put an RV park in place,” said Beardsell.The ranch is seeking funding to construct an RV park as a potential source of revenue.

Presently, the city’s $1.7 million in casino revenue go to capital projects such as infrastructure upgrades.Besides O’Keefe Ranch, Beardsell is convinced that revenue from a destination casino could benefit other aspects of Vernon. “We could turn the money into cultural facilities this community is lacking,” he said. Currently, the provincial government is no longer allowing any new destination casinos such as the one in Penticton. A majority of council, though, agreed Monday to pursue negotiations with the government for a destination casino. “It doesn’t hurt to talk to the government to see if there are options,” said Coun. Pat Cochrane.

Beardsell believes those talks are doomed for failure because four of his colleagues approved relocation of Lake City Casino prior to entering into negotiations.“They go cap in hand after they have approved it. They must be smoking funny cigarettes,” he said. Also on Monday, council decided to consider expanded funding for the ranch as part of the 2008 budget deliberations.

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