Thursday, December 20, 2007

Drop in Polls No Big Deal for MP

"Dogs Piss on Polls"

Starlee Speers-Astral Media News, Vernon

The MP for the Okanagan-Shuswap says, he's not giving much weight to a new poll which suggests support for the federal Conservatives has fallen sharply. Colin Mayes says, newsstories about issues like the Mulroney-Schrieber affair can affect the weekly polls but they don't have a lasting affect. "There can be an issue that is brought forward by the media over a course of a week that will concern citizens and they might in favour or not in favour, and that will reflect in a poll." The new Canadian Press Harris-Decima survey indicates a six point drop for the Conservatives, while the Liberals are up four points.


OTTAWA - A new poll suggests Stephen Harper's Conservatives have lost their big lead over the Liberals in the wake of recent controversies, plunging six percentage points in popular support in just one week. The Canadian Press Harris-Decima survey puts the Tories at 30 per cent support, in a statistical tie with the Liberals who are up four points to 32 per cent. "It's a pretty significant drop on a one-week basis," said Harris-Decima president Bruce Anderson.
"We don't see this kind of movement in the numbers very often." Support for the Tories dropped across all regions and demographic groups. The striking shift follows several controversies which may be taking a toll on the governing party:-Former Tory prime minister Brian Mulroney's admission that he accepted cash-stuffed envelopes from arms lobbyist Karlheinz Schreiber and kept the payments secret for years. -Heavy criticism of Canada's position at the climate-change summit in Bali.-Political fallout from a critical shortage of medical isotopes due to the shutdown of the Chalk River nuclear reactor.

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