Thursday, December 13, 2007


24 hour news:

Former Kelowna mayor Walter Gray is keeping busy in his political retirement, having recently been appointed to the B.C. Lottery Corp.'s board of directors. But some might find that appointment - which will put him in charge of administering the province's burgeoning gambling industry - curious. After all, back in 1997, Gray expressed concern about three new applications for destination casino licences in the Okanagan. Speaking with B.C. Christian News' John Keery, the then municipal politician said he believed the increased emphasis on gambling would have long-term costs for the community. "It is a case of the proliferation of gambling. We worry for the future, but there is little we can do."

Explained Gray, "We are talking about a [provincial] government desperate to create new and increased revenue sources. The city and regional district are going to have to come up with a pretty powerful argument to ward off an application for a destination casino."


Appointed 22 November 2007

Walter Gray was the former Mayor of Kelowna for nine years. Prior to that he was owner/operator of five radio stations in the Okanagan/Kootenay areas. He is currently a director of Sun Country Cablevision Ltd (Salmon Arm, Armstrong, Enderby) and FortisBC (a power utility company). Mr Gray is a former Director of BC Transit and of Telefilm Canada. He was recently the volunteer Chair for a Capital Fundraiser to build a 24-suite Hospice at Kelowna. The $3-million campaign concluded September 1, 2007 at $3.7-million.

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