Monday, December 17, 2007

Lake City Casino expansion (KELOWNA)

by Wayne Moore - Dec 17, 2007 CASTANET

Lake City Casino is looking to nearly double its current floor space. The company is asking City Council to issue a development permit that would add nearly 1700 square metres to the existing casino and another 71 parking stalls to the existing parking structure. The expansion is designed to replace the existing bridge structure over the access driveway to the Private Residents Club. Construction will increase the size of the bridge structure and convert the bridge structure to usable floor area. A portion of the top of the existing parking structure will be redeveloped with the casino expansion. The report for council indicates about 17 parking stalls will be lost with the construction. "Those lost stalls will be replaced by construction of a new third parking level addition, which will add approximately 71 stalls," says Planning Supervisor, Shelley Gambacort. "Even with the addition of one level of parking to the existing structure, there will be a shortfall of approximately 12 parking stalls, which the developer is proposing to provide cash in lieu." Gambacort says 'Payment In Lieu' allows for the payment of $7,500 per parking stall. The Planning Department and Advisory Planning Commission both support the application.
Don Quixote Notes:

The Kelowna Casino is located in the Grand Okanagan Resort and Conference Centre. The Casino is currently 21,000 square feet and hosts 342 slot machines and 10 table games. The facility includes limited food and beverage services, including liquor service that was added in the first quarter of 2006. Management believes that the Kelowna market can support a larger facility and is investigating alternatives to approximately double the size of the facility to increase the size of the gaming floor, as well as to provide for enhanced food and beverage services and live entertainment. Preliminary plans envision expanding the casino to approximately 40,000 square feet, which will allow for 600 slot machines and 16 table games, as well as a 6-table poker room, a small entertainment stage and a full service restaurant. Management is working with the owners of the Grand Okanagan to develop the expansion plans. Once final agreements are in place, development and construction of the new space is expected to take 18 to 24 months.

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