Monday, December 03, 2007

Letters to Editor go unpublished in local Newspaper !

RE: “Councillor [sic] walks away from mayor’s appointments” MorningStar Nov 21’07

I was somewhat surprised by the comments of your reporter, Mr. Rolke, as well as the editorial on page A8. An analysis of the facts seems to be missing.

From Barry Beardsell’s comments it was clear that Mayor Lippert had not consulted with him on being moved from the GVSC to Finance. It would have been obvious to anyone that Barry would have no taste for the Finance Committee in view of the editorial and personal abuse he suffered during last council when the financial wrongdoings of the then mayor were laid at his feet. Barry was blamed even though he had repeatedly asked for the financial information that would later bear out his concerns.

The Mayor should have known Barry’s aversion to the Finance Committee. The GVSC is on a capital spending spree of over $100 million dollars for the new water supply system. Is it really a wise idea to turn over a project of that magnitude in mid-stream to new councilors with no financial experience to speak of and lacking in familiarity with the issue? Does the Mayor not understand this?

For these and other reasons I prefer Barry’s version of the events to Mayor Lippert’s. Barry could only lose in the Mayor’s scenario. Particularly when the poorly understood proposed Civic complex with the new Library that happens to fall under the purview of the Finance Committee is considered. The Library Board does not have the $9 million they promise to contribute, so they (and that means you) will have to borrow that amount in addition to the borrowed $30 million for which the City is seeking approval! The total project could easily reach $39 million with the overruns we have all become too familiar with!

How pleased would you be if that debt-load was added to the tax-payers? If Barry were on the finance committee he would be probably be blamed for that boondoggle as well. As a CA he would tell you the City was committing financial suicide. Sour grapes? No, common sense. Contrary to the Mayor’s assertions, the logical conclusion is that the Mayor cannot have discussed the matter of the Finance Committee with Barry. The real question now is whether or not it is permissible for our Mayor to play fast and loose with the truth. We’ve been there already.

As to whether or not Barry will run again for council; let’s hope he will do so and it would not surprise me. But I don’t think that Barry will be running for councilor! I can hear the sound of stakes for political signs being sharpened already.

Nov. 25
Gerry M. Laarakker
Don Quixote Note:
This letter to the Morning Star remains unpublished in that last bastion of journalistic integrity to date. I have posted the letter with permission of the Author.

I started this blog because of letters to the Editor that weren't published. It looks like the local newspaper's letters to the editor policy is falling back into past habits of avoiding controversy. Recent ads submitted by the No side in the Coldstream ALR referendum were refused until they were reworked to suit the discriminating taste of the advertising department. I hope that this does not foreshadow the future as their newspaper rivals disappear and complacency once again sets in.

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