Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Muskoka opens its doors to ombudsman

Dec 05, 2007 Muskoka News FULL STORY

A last-ditch attempt to prevent Ontario’s ombudsman from investigating complaints about closed-session meetings of Muskoka District council failed Monday, meaning AndrĂ© Marin will now scrutinize all local inquiries into in-camera meetings of the upper-tier municipality. Marin’s new powers come despite a continuing battle between some district councillors over whether the ombudsman would act as an unbiased third party in investigating public complaints over closed session meetings of council.

As of Jan. 1, all municipalities in Ontario must respond to public inquiries about closed-door meetings by either appointing an investigator to look into objections, or directing complaints to the office of the ombudsman.

Related article at: Legislation on: Nov 14, 2007


Don Quixote Note: Is there any possibility this legislation could come to B.C. soon? Will Rolke get his wish to have all in-camera meetings open to the media and public. Note that this report is from the birthplace of transparency and openness and Bracebridge is the old stomping grounds of our present Mayor. As described in the Sidit website:

'No stranger to politics, Wayne served a three year term as a councilor for the Town of Bracebridge back in the 80’s. During this time, he represented Council on Planning, Sub-division and Public Works committees, as well as being the liaison officer for the Chamber of Commerce and Parks and Recs.'

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