Friday, December 28, 2007

Police Shooting Follow Up

RCMP NEWS RELEASE 2007-12-28 14:22:44

On December 27, 2007, Vernon/North Okanagan RCMP attended to an apartment in the 3800 block of 27 Avenue in an attempt to locate a male wanted on a warrant issued under the Mental Health Act. RCMP were advised that day that the subject was at his residence and was suicidal. There was concern that the male could be causing harm to himself.

Upon attending the residence, police attempted to make phone contact with the male and could hear the phone inside the apartment, however, there was no answer. Out of concern for his safety, the decision was made to use force to gain entry to the apartment.

Members entered and found the male in an agitated state and in possession of a knife. They tried talking to him but he refused to drop the knife. The Conducted Energy Weapon (commonly referred to as the Taser) was then deployed and only had a momentary effect on the male. He again advanced on the members inside the apartment with the knife. He continued to disobey the verbal commands to drop the knife which resulted in deadly force being used.

Another member on scene administered life saving attempts until ambulance arrived and transported the victim to Vernon Jubilee Hospital where he later succumbed to his injuries.

Police Officers involved in the shooting are being provided with assistance from RCMP Health Services. Other members have been deployed to allow the members involved time to deal with the situation.

Southeast District Major Crime are currently on scene and are continuing to investigate this matter. An observer from the Commission for Public Complaints has been monitoring the investigation with full and unfettered access since the outset of the investigation. They will continue to monitor the investigation as it unfolds and there will be continuous liaison between the RCMP and the Commission for Public Complaints. The RCMP have invited an independent experienced investigator from Calgary City Police who is on site and will live monitor/review the investigation in Vernon.

It is normal procedure in any police related death for the BC Coroner Service to launch their own investigation, which has begun. The Coroner will also determine whether a Coroner’s inquest or inquiry will be called. Investigators will be awaiting the report from the Coroner as to the exact cause of death and if there is any other medical evidence that can assist in helping to determine the reasons for the individual’s actions during the police intervention.

The investigation is focusing on, but is not limited to, the officers’ use of force, and the deployment of their intervention options to determine whether or not their actions were in line with both RCMP policy and the Criminal Code. Police use of force is governed by section 25 of the Criminal Code of Canada. That section provides that ‘as much force as is necessary’, can be utilized in effecting an arrest so long as that force is not excessive, or not more than was necessary to effect the arrest.

An autopsy was scheduled for this morning at 10:00 am in Penticton.

This investigation is still in the very early stages with several interviews currently being conducted. As such, no further information can be released at this time.

The RCMP will provide an accurate and detailed account of what happened upon further investigation and once more details are known.

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