Sunday, December 30, 2007

Town hall meeting draws fire

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - December 30, 2007

A Vernon politician claims an upcoming town hall meeting may be nothing more than a snow-job.Coun. Barry Beardsell believes a Thursday meeting on the proposed civic complex will do little to address public concerns about the $32 million facility. “It’s ‘come to the meeting, we’ll BS you and trust me,’” he said. The town hall meeting will be held at 7 p.m. at city hall. Beardsell insists such a process should have been held months ago so residents could have been actively involved in the development of a civic complex. “This is after the horse is out of the barn,” he said of the meeting.“And what format is it going to be? Do you ask a councillor or mayor of your choice a question or do you ask a question and wait to see who the mayor designates to answer it?”

Beardsell also claims there’s been a lack of communication with council members over the public gathering.“I didn’t know about the town hall meeting until I read about it in the paper,” he said. Mayor Wayne Lippert is quick to dismiss Beardsell’s comments. “The town hall meeting is necessary. People are asking questions including Councillor Beardsell,” he said. “There is information out there and we are looking to provide more. We have the cost estimates and pictures on it.” Lippert doesn’t believe a meeting could have been held before now and, if it had, it wouldn’t have been that meaningful. “We wouldn’t have had the same information we do now. I’d rather have as good of information as we can get, instead of piece-meal,” he said.Lippert can’t explain why Beardsell was not informed of the town hall meeting.“He’s had discussions with our administrator. I would assume he would know about it,” said Lippert.

On Jan. 26, residents will be asked to approve borrowing up to $30 million for a civic building. The complex would include a library, as well as city hall and RCMP offices and possibly an art gallery.

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