Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Vernon Civic Complex ( Vernon and Districts Taxpayers' Association News Release)


The City of Vernon's stated release date of December 15, 2007 for information on the City Complex has passed. At this time only design information is available. The only financial information was given by Mr. Leon Gous, Chief Administrative Officer, to Coldstream Council on December 17, 2007 and that information concerned the Art Gallery.

As there is insufficient information and the referendum date of January 26, 2008 is looming, The Vernon and Districts Taxpayers' Association today has requested of Mr. Leon Gous answers to the following questions:

1. Is the Okanagan Regional Library (ORL) going to contribute $9 million to the Library/Civic Complex or is the City of Vernon going to borrow $9 million on their behalf? Is the borrowing limit $30 million or $39 million for the project?

2. Will the ORL be buying the existing library and land from us for approximately $1 million +?

3. Will $8 million be enough to renovate the old library space and build the new library space + parking+ additional land footprint and will the Citizens of Vernon be paying the overrun costs on the entire building?

4. If, in the future, the ORL decides to sell the library and we can't afford to buy it back, can the ORL sell part of our Civic Complex to anyone they decide?

5. Will the Citizens of Vernon be paying 70% or 100% of the Art Gallery building cost of $5 million and the increased rental charge of $25/sq.ft. from $11/sq.ft. plus other additional subsidies?

To date there have been no opportunities for public input. The public has been given only design displays and a 'workshop' of design options with no public dialogue.

In order to remedy this lack of public input, The Vernon and Districts Taxpayers' Association invites all Citizens of Vernon to a Public Meeting on January 8, 7:00 pm at the Schubert Centre.

Contact: Antony Stamboulieh 260-1082

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