Friday, January 11, 2008

Association launches campaign over complex

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - January 11, 2008

A citizens’ group is taking to the streets again to fight the City of Vernon’s plans for a civic complex.Leading up to Jan. 26’s borrowing referendum, the Vernon Taxpayers Association has decided to circulate a flyer about what it sees as flaws in the city’s process to construct a new library, art gallery and offices for the RCMP. “We are not telling people how to vote,” said spokesman Tony Stamboulieh. “We will be giving them the figures and they can decide.” On Jan. 26, residents will be asked to approve borrowing up to $30 million over 25 years for a civic building. Stamboulieh says many residents are concerned about the process the city followed and the potential financial impact on taxpayers.

The association’s flyer states that there’s no lease or purchase agreement with Okanagan Regional Library and the Greater Vernon Services Committee has not committed to increased capital costs for an art gallery. It also questions the city’s figures when it comes to tax burden. The flyer is available at Butcher Boys and the Schubert Centre. Stamboulieh accuses the city of ignoring the association’s willingness to provide input on initiatives such as this. “They have called us a fringe group and dismissed us. But they need to change their attitude towards the people they are supposed to serve,” he said.Last summer, the association collected 6,000 names on a petition, blocking the city from borrowing money for the proposed complex. That forced the city to hold a referendum.

The association held a public meeting Tuesday at the Schubert Centre and among those who attended was Mayor Wayne Lippert. “It was good to hear people speak and have a chance to say something,” said Lippert. “My goal is for people to vote and to have as much clean and clear information as possible. If I can work with the association to meet that end, that’s my goal.” Among the questions put to Lippert was debt on recent capital projects, but he says there is a difference between city initiatives such as the sewer treatment facility and regional district debt, such as water improvements. “There still seems to be a misunderstanding of information,” he said.

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