Friday, January 25, 2008

City Fire Chief Retires

The City of Vernon announces the retirement of Fire Chief, Johnny Lysholm. Since May of 2003, Lysholm has not only led the Vernon Fire-Rescue Services team, but has volunteered for several community and charity events and represents the Services on the Vernon Public Safety Committee. Prior to arriving in Vernon, Johnny served 30 years as a firefighter and Chief Officer with the Richmond and Delta Fire Departments.

Praising Lyshom for a job well done, Mayor Lippert said. “I want to thank Chief Lysholm for the outstanding contribution he’s made to the Vernon Fire-Rescue Services, and all of us wish him well in his future retirement. He’s done a great job for us. Although he retires from the Services, I trust we will continue to see Johnny as active as ever at the many community events he volunteers for.”

In addition to establishing computerized records for the Fire Hall, one of Johnny’s early personal mandates was to increase training opportunities for the firefighters and several of the new programs he’s introduced have that strong training component. Among the new programs established are the “Community Wildfire Plan”, the “First Response Medical Program”, the “Critical Incidence Team” and the very successful “Large Operation Exercise”, a “multi-agency” exercise recently mounted as “Endless Summer”, to name a few.

When asked what he views as his primary achievement, Lysholm cites the development of a 10-year Strategic Plan for the Service that will shortly be reviewed by Council. What he’s proudest of, though, is the development of a strong and dynamic team that he calls “the Ghostbusters”, who serve the community as if their lives depended on it.! “They are a great bunch of firefighters and I have the utmost respect for them. I have every confidence that this team, together with my successor, will see the Plan through. I will miss them all!”

CAO, Leon Gous noted that “John has been a valuable member of the Senior Management Team and leaves the Vernon Fire-Rescue Services well prepared to face the challenges of our growing community.”

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