Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Council Debates Over Program Costs

By Pete McIntyre 107.5 KISSFM

Some Vernon council members are upset that city residents are having to cover more of the costs of some regional programs. The city will pay 13-thousand dollars into the valley-wide starling control program, and 19-thousand for the Okanagan Film Commission, which is up four thousand over last year. Councillor Barry Beardsell says there's only so much that can be heaped on city residents. "Affordability to the tax payer that's what its all about. Its fine to add some programs you better start deleting some programs if you are going to add them. "Beardsell says the province should be funding programs like starling control.Mayor Wayne Lippert broke the deadlock by casting the deciding votes in favour of the programs, saying both are worthwhile.

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