Saturday, January 19, 2008

Don Quixote critiques Civic Complex brochure !

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Not having the budget for advertising that the City of Vernon will use to persuade you to vote "YES", Vernonblog and Don Quixote INC. will present a critique of the brochure that has been available at City Sponsored events, at City Hall, Library, Art Gallery and was enclosed with your recent Utility Bill.

Some of these images you may have seen before but I am putting them in one posting so you can judge the Maximum Tax that you may incur. Feel free to print them out as all copy write is waived. It is my contention that the City should have included the Actual Capital Cost per property as well as a recap of expected rental revenue and operating costs so the taxpayer both Business and residential could best judge their financial commitment that they were agreeing to after a full evaluation of impartial financial information. Since the City will not publish this info, this posting becomes necessary for full disclosure and transparent evaluation.

Additional Data and research:
You can also see the 25 year amortization schedules detailing the interest costs atSinking Funds for financing either $21 million or $30 Million An analysis of potential rentals atAnalysis of potential rental income at new Library/Civic Complex. (Publish the true MAXIMUM Capital Costs)And a 20 year sinker schedule at$30,000,000 Sinkers for a 25 and 20 year Amortization. (For my bean counting readers)andHopes for rental income from RCMP may be optimistic ?

In the last paragraph of the Brochure the City states: "We sincerely hope that your decision will be based, not on the the politics surrounding the project, but on your own research and the facts that will be presented to you over the next three weeks."

Consider this posting some research and additional facts that I humbly offer for your consideration.

On Jan 26th Vote with all the financial facts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your efforts and information. It is sad that the City by way of the mayor,the administrator and some of the staff are misleading the citizens that they are there to serve.The administrator appears to be in charge of the mayor and council now and they take their marching orders from him.