Saturday, January 26, 2008

Final revised Cheatsheet for City's share of a $23.4 million borrowing.

Click on image to enlarge and print.
This is the final cheat sheet based on a $23,435,700 borrowing. This is the City of Vernon's share of the funding from their ad and brochure.

The previous cheatsheet was based on a $21,756,000 borrowing which is how the city calculated their $55.86 annual cost for the $400,000 property owner. (real potential cost is $67.61)

This cheatsheet allows you to judge what the ultimate cost could be for you. It provides a capital cost per property for both a 20 and 25 year financing and also the effect on your property if all the estimated revenues (not including operational costs that have not been included) are realized each year from the various renters.

This gives you a full range of possible tax that you may face if this project is approved. A business owner would pay 2.75 x these numbers if last years business/tax ratio is not changed.

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