Monday, January 21, 2008

Keremeos sewer expansion grant

by Stewart Cross - Giant FM -Jan 21, 2008

A major funding announcement was made in Keremeos Monday. As part of the B.C. Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund, the federal and provincial governments invested more than $685,000 to allow Keremeos to extend its sewer to the Upper bench area. The announcement was made by Okanagan-Westside MLA Rick Thorpe and Abbotsford MP Ed Fast. Keremeos mayor Walter Despot says the money will all go towards moving Keremeos forward and maturing as a municipality. “The infrastructure grant follows the infrastructure work we have done before,” says Despot. The grant will extend the sewer benefits to about 250 people and includes a new pump station amongst the improvements.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How come Vernon can not get this kind of grant for the okanagan landing? Does Thorpe have more pull than our MLA-you know that little guy-I forget his name.