Sunday, January 20, 2008

Land purchase protested

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - January 20, 2008

Opposition is arising over the City of Vernon’s latest property acquisition. The Vernon Taxpayers Association is questioning the purchase of the Vernon Medical Clinic properties on 31st and 32nd avenues for $1.4 million. “There are no plans that have been made to the public regarding this property,” said Tony Stamboulieh, association spokesman. “They talk about a greenway that would be deserted after 5 p.m.” The medical clinic will lease the property from the city until Jan. 31, 2010, with a one-year renewal option to follow. The purchase price of $1.4 million was reduced by $125,000 through the two-year, pre-paid lease. “Is it a smart move to buy property that costs $1.4 million and for three years you are stuck with minimal rent?” said Stamboulieh.

Stamboulieh also wonders why the city is pursuing major land use issues when the official community plan review won’t be completed until June. “It’s arbitrary and behind closed doors,” he said of council decisions. “Major expenditures are a deep concern for citizens and they (council) need to change how they govern and spend our money.” Coun. Juliette Cunningham defends the purchase, saying the Vernon Medical Clinic operators were looking to leave that site. “We don’t want them to leave downtown. That could have a negative impact on business because the clinic brings a lot of people downtown,” she said. The city hopes the medical clinic will relocate to the city-owned Bennett parking lot on 29th Avenue if it’s redeveloped. Cunningham insists no decisions have been made about the future of the medical clinic lands.“It could end up with artist studios, who knows,” she said, adding that Vernon should look to other communities when it comes to revitalization. “Kelowna has really opened up more of its downtown and made it pedestrian friendly.”In terms of the $1.4 million price tag, Cunningham believes the lands would have only become more expensive if the city didn’t act now. “Cost of land is such an issue so not to have foresight is foolish,” she said.

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