Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Library Civic Referendum

Starlee Speers, Astral Media Radio - Vernon

The first advanced poll for the civic referendum is Wednesday at city hall from 8am until 8pm. On the ballot, whether Vernon residents approve of the city borrowing up to 30 million dollars for the civic centre - library complex. The Vernon Taxpayers Association reiterated their "no" position at this week's council meeting. Tony Stamboulieh with the group appeared before council as a delegation. Afterwards, Stamboulieh told media he felt his comments fell upon deaf ears.A Vernon councillors suggestion to offset costs of the civic complex with casino revenue was quickly shot down at the meeting. The suggestion is just smoke and mirrors according to one councillor.Councillor Barry Beardsell says, increased revenue from the casino expansion won't come until 2009 when there will likely be a new council.Councillor Patrick Nicol suggested the increased revenue from the casino expansion could be a legitimate way to meet the city's expansion needs

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