Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Mayor Looks Ahead to 2008

Betty Selin, Astral Media Radio - Vernon

Mayor Wayne Lippert looks ahead to 2008. He says some of the biggest changes may come in the downtown core.He says development is expected on both the Coldstream Hotel site and the Bennett parking lot. His hope is to make the downtown more vibrant and give people the option to live and work downtown. Lippert says growth will continue in the city's north end with a new mall and the new casino slated for next year. Mayor Lippert says for the most part council does a good job and gets along well and he says they've got a lot done in the past two years.As for his future, the Mayor says as long as things stay the way they are right now, he plans to run for a second term in 2008.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mayor Lippert
'things are not going to stay as they are"
You will need to go back to changing oil and tires for a living come the November election

You are so out of touch with reality that one wonders about your ability to evaluate and analyse your situation let alone our community's

I will bet dollars to dough nuts you are gone come November