Monday, January 07, 2008

More officers part of budget

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - January 06, 2008

Policing resources in Vernon could be bolstered this year. As part of 2008 budget talks, city council is considering spending $702,728 for five new sergeants and five additional support staff at the RCMP detachment. The sergeants would address a current shortage of senior officers during the daily watch schedules at the detachment. “We are lacking on the supervisory element,” Insp. Steve McVarnock, officer-in-charge, told council Friday. “There’s a need for supervisors on these watches.”Currently, the average experience per constables at the detachment is five years, and McVarnock believes more experienced sergeants would provide a positive influence.“They can lead and guide these (younger) members. They need some wisdom and direction,” he said.

While the national RCMP organization is experiencing some recruiting problems, McVarnock doesn’t think it will be difficult to attract new sergeants to the Vernon area.“They are already existing resources,” he said, adding that some may come from outside Vernon but others could be a result of promotions from within the local detachment. A challenge, though, could be high real estate prices and new officers trying to find somewhere to live. But McVarnock points out there are sergeants in nearby communities who could apply for the positions and commute here.If approved, the additional officer and civilian staff positions will be funded out of the city’s police reserves.Currently, there is about $760,000 in the reserve because the detachment is not up to a full complement of 57 officers.The four sergeants would bring city-funded officers up to 52.


Don Quixote Note: There are actually four (4) new sergeants not five (5) being authorized by budget approval. Also there is $1,000,000 in the Police reserve fund at start of 2007. The $760,000 is additional money that would be going in at end of 2007 as surplus to original budgeted figure. They will draw this down and still leave us the $1 million for future cushion.

The 2008 proposed RCMP detachment budget is for a net of $7,351,531 after recoveries of $692,635. The 2007 budget was for $6,589,684 after recoveries of $634,740.

This is last year for the budgeted restorative Justice Program ($44,820) although Coun. Cunningham wants it to be continued if it is necessary and effective. Hopefully the Restorative Justice Program has applied for grant monies under Direct Access through the Lottery Corp as other cities have done in past years?


Public Safety Apply from Jul 1 - Aug 31 Final notification: Nov 30

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