Wednesday, January 30, 2008

NORD Tax Increase for VERNON at 6.9% (Water Increase not included.)

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This table is a composite presentation of the direct functions that Vernon participates in. It compares the 2007 taxes to the 2008 taxes. (6.9% Increase. in taxes required). It shows the total NORD function taxes for 2008 and Vernon's percentage of each function and the overall function percentage of 64.08%.
The actual dollar increase in these functions was $590.725 in 2008 raising Vernon's taxpayers contribution to $9,144,241 overall.

The biggest part of the increase was in Okeefe Range which went up $89,713 and Recreational Areas which went up $351,991.

This Presentation of the NORD budget does not include the Water Utility rates. Last year they went up 5.5% and I will post expected rate increase as soon as I can.

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