Friday, January 04, 2008

Oglow downplays disputes

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - January 04, 2008

The North Okanagan Regional District wasn’t without conflict in 2007, but the chairman believes more positive activities occurred behind the scenes than negative.“The turmoil gets the media coverage and the vast majority of the work done by the regional district doesn’t get reported,” said Jerry Oglow.Among the difficult situations at NORD have been service reviews within Greater Vernon, the removal of delegated authority from the Greater Vernon and electoral area commissions and increases to directors’ salaries. The electoral area directors have also recently accused Oglow of being more focused on municipal interests than those of rural communities.

“I’m trying to understand some of the specifics (behind the complaints). If I’ve been offside with them, I want to correct it,” he said. Oglow points out that the new vice-chairman is Herman Halvorson, who represents rural Enderby.“I want to work closely with him to share the workload of the region.”Oglow is convinced that NORD and its 60 employees are serving the needs of the region.“Building activity is at a high level and the building inspection and planning people are going flat out,” he said.Another example was NORD’s role in preserving the old Kingfisher school for community use. “Something important to Herman’s community was the acquisition of the school and through Herman’s guidance, the community has gained a valuable asset,” said Oglow. Other actions taken were the opening of the Mabel Lake boat launch, NORD taking over operation of the Greater Vernon Multiplex and preserving water quality at Sugar Lake.In 2008, construction of Greater Vernon’s new Duteau Creek water treatment plant will begin, while NORD will also proceed with a growth management study.

Oglow also hopes to address water issues at Silver Star.Also on the agenda is a review of Okanagan-wide governance initiated by the provincial government. The review involves all three regional districts in the valley, and Oglow says all options are possible.“Is it a continuation of three regional districts, combining all three into one or is it something else?” he said.But Oglow doesn’t think a single jurisdiction that takes over all aspects of a regional district is likely.“You will always need some form of local delivery service,” he said of issues such as planning and zoning.The primary focus of the review is governance, airshed maintenance, water and transportation.A report must be submitted to Community Services Minister Ida Chong by March 31.“Hopefully we will create some options for the government to consider,” said Oglow.

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