Friday, January 04, 2008

Public Sounds Off On Complex

By Pete McIntyre 107.5 KISS FM

Vernon city council members took some heat --but also got some support-- at a townhall meeting on the proposed civic complex. About 150 people came out to the Rec Centre Auditorium Thursday night for the three hour information session on the $32 million facility. All seven council members were on hand although project critic and councillor Barry Beardsell chose not to sit up front, with his council colleagues. Vernon resident Pat Hegland spoke against the plan, saying taxpayers are already paying too much for other facilities like the Multiplex, and sewer plant. "They can keep this building in mind and it's probably a good idea and a good solution, but they're just at it at the wrong time."

Nicole Makohoniuk still hasn't made up her mind. "I can't say that I'm for it or against it. I'd have to say I'm sitting on the proverbial fence. If there's a way that it can make money, then great. I think if we wait longer though, it's going to cost more. It's $32 million now, but for our kids, it's going to 40 million or 60 million." The supporters included Lawrence Berg who wonders about the cost of not building it now. "This is the kind of thing that makes a place like Vernon a wonderful place. And what do we lose if we don't develop something now? My sense is, given the comments on the mayor that if this referendum doesn't pass and there will be no building, it's going to take another ten years."

Dr Steven Debella feels the city is pushing the project just to create more space for its staff. He says the meeting was just a sales job by the city on a project that's already been designed. "They're not asking for public input on what type of facility it should be. They're just coming forward to ask for money, basically a blank cheque, on a project that isn't even completed as far as the design."

City administrator Leon Gous says the city will spend $300-thousand on design/architect fees, ads, and promotion (for the referendum), regardless of the January 26-th referendum outcome.Mayor Wayne Lippert says if the referendum fails, the city will scrap the plan and the library will be on its own for a new building.ORL Administrator Lesley Dieno told the crowd, at this point, the Library has no Plan B if this doesn't go ahead.

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