Thursday, May 15, 2008

Suicide Hill Access to be sent back for Public Hearing.

The new traffic plan will be presented at a public input meeting, designed to gauge what residents think of the plan and to get their opinions, ideas and comments on it, on Thursday, May 22 at 7 p.m. in Vernon Council chambers.

It is urgent that all East Hill residents that are affected come out and make their views known.

Monday May 12 at the COW meeting at an update presentation of this proposal staff have been directed by Council to get more public input on the proposal to in effect block direct through access to Suicide Hill. Staff had indicated that they had consulted with some of the local residents but had not got input from all residents on East Hill on the possible effects to their residential roads. Below is a posting from Jan 09 that indicates the concerns of several residents that do live on East Hill. In their presentation staff indicated that diverted traffic would choose 25th st or 23rd st if they were not allowed to proceed East up Suicide hill. The more natural choice of 26th st connecting to 25th avenue was not acknowledged as being the more plausible route.
Suicide Hill may be done as a direct access to EAST HILL Residents (Watch out 26th st. Residents !) Jan 19 /08

City Council on Thursday was shown some of the 2008 road projects that are in the planning stages for construction in the new year.

If you are traveling up 30th ave and through the 27th st. intersection going by the Courthouse with the intentions of going up Suicide Hill this may soon be impossible. The City intends to put a block in place at 25th st. that will block off this possibility.

The most natural alternative seems to be a right turn on 26th st. and going up to 25th ave to get up into East Hill. The only other way is to continue along pleasant valley and make either a right at 24th st (with a sharp left access to Suicide Hill) or a right on 23rd St up the hill there.

Exiting East Hill to get downtown is primarily accomplished by using either 25th ave to get onto the highway or going over to 32nd ave via a cross street and going west into town. If you are heading out to the landing you use either the 25th ave route, highway and a left at 28th ave or 3oth Ave. etc. Some people cut across on 26th st to get to 30th ave to accomplish the same trip.

A Cul de sac is planned at end of 25th ave in the future and this will eliminate the highway alternative. This will ensure that 26th st. becomes the main route for those traveling out to the Landing or downtown from East Hill. Imagine those people trying to make a left turn onto 30th ave off of 26th st in the rush hour.


Anonymous said...

please post the petition for the hospital in pdf format that prints 8.5x11 - this one does not print properly. Thank you.

Don Quixote said...

I Put the jpeg in a smaller format so it prints ok.

Best I can do.