Monday, February 18, 2008

Budgeting Method for NORD taxes varies from year to year ?

THIS IS A REPOSTING OF A FEB 3 POST. No answers from NORD or anyone at City Hall Vernon who I e-mailed Feb 1.

Click on Image to enlarge:

Vernon Taxes for All NORD functions are projected at $590,275 or a net 6.9% increase.
The three GVSC functions of Parks, Multiplex and Community Theatre will increase by $520,199. (see 2008 req. image for breakdown.) These 3 functions represent 88.12% 0f our increase.

  • If we used the same budgeting approach in 2008 and applied a 0% growth factor and no inflation factor as was applied in 2007 to the multiplex we would save $109,038.
  • If we used the same budgeting approach in 2008 and applied a 0% growth factor and a 2.5% inflation factor as was applied in 2007 to the community theater we would save $36,130.
  • If we used the same budgeting approach in 2008 and applied a 3.92% growth factor and a 2.0% inflation factor (which is the Bank of Canada's inflation target for 2008) to the Parks function then we would save $27,413.
These 3 reductions totaling (109,038+36,130+27,413 =) $172,581 would reduce our 6.9% increase to 4.9%.

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