Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Casino fight reignited

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - February 27, 2008

Emotions continue to run high at Vernon city hall over the expansion of Lake City Casino. On Monday, Coun. Barry Beardsell took a swing at council’s recent decision to permit the casino to relocate without first pursuing an agreement for additional funding. “Which ever councillor that suggested you give them approval and then negotiate is naive,” he said. Subsequent to relocation being approved, city staff tried to negotiate a funding agreement with Lake City Casino but the company turned the request down. While the city gets a portion of casino revenue, Beardsell is convinced an deal prior to approving relocation could have led to money for a social responsibility fund. Beardsell never identified the council member he was referring to, but Coun. Jack Gilroy believes it was him. Gilroy was a firm supporter of Lake City Casino moving to Anderson Way and he vocally opposed trying to get more money out of the company beyond the revenue formula. “Lake City Casino is a good corporate sponsor and they do a lot in town and we don’t need to gouge them,” he said. Also on Monday, council asked for a meeting with MLA Tom Christensen to see if the local casino can be upgraded from community status to a destination casino. Beardsell says destination casinos must provide municipalities with a greater share of the revenue, and that money could go to initiatives like O’Keefe Ranch. The provincial government is not permitting any new destination casinos, but Coun. Patrick Nicol believes it is worth pursuing the issue. “The community benefits to a greater degree if we can make it a destination casino,” he said.

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