Friday, February 15, 2008

City council increases its wages

By Tyler Olsen - Vernon Morning Star - February 15, 2008

Armstrong elected officials and non-union city staff will have more money in their pockets after council approved a pay raise Monday. Mayor Jerry Oglow will see his salary rise nearly 10 per cent to $18,069 while councillors will see their pay rise by $679 to $10,075. The pay rates are based on the average rate of 10 similar B.C. communities and is adjusted every two years. “The goal of the policy is not to be the highest, not to be the lowest, but be at the middle of the road and that’s what it does,” said Coun. Pat Hudson. City administrator Patti Ferguson will receive a 20 per cent pay increase to $107,593 while the treasurer, public works manager and administrative assistant will also see their wages rise. “The marketplace for all levels of public employees has changed dramatically in the last eight years,” said Oglow. “It’s becoming really challenging not only to attract new people but to retain them.” The city uses the policy to review salaries every two years, while also increasing pay yearly by the rate of inflation. Officials will also receive a $100 stipend per day for meals when on city business.

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