Wednesday, February 27, 2008

City efforts blocked by NORD

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - February 27, 2008

The City of Vernon’s attempts to reduce spending are failing at the North Okanagan Regional District. Council had asked NORD to reduce expenditures by one per cent in each department the city participates in. But regional district officials have indicated that it is too late in the process for the 2008 budget to be amended now. “This is total nonsense from an ineffective organization,” said Coun. Barry Beardsell. The issue first arose at city hall two weeks ago and the request for a one per cent cut to expenditures was then presented to NORD’s finance committee for review. “We did that at the city last year and it was quite effective,” said Coun. Juliette Cunningham. But the response from members of NORD’s finance committee was that the city should have made the request earlier on in the budget process. That didn’t go over well with Beardsell. “We haven’t even got the finite details on expenses so how can you comment earlier?” he said. But NORD’s chairman points out that the 2008 budget must be approved by March 31 under legislation and it will go before the regional board for consideration March 5. “We asked for input (from member jurisdictions) in November and December,” said Jerry Oglow.

He added that it would also be difficult to reopen the budget now because any changes would have to referred to the Greater Vernon Services Committee for possible impacts on the delivery of water and parks and recreation. Oglow believes there are some outstanding implications if the city’s request were to proceed. “Where did that figure of one per cent come from? Do you want to reduce services by one per cent?” he said. NORD’s provisional 2008 budget includes a seven per cent overall tax requisition for the entire region.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why would NORD reduce the taxes-especially when the request came from the City of Vernon. Vernon subsidizes nearly everything at Nord-they are all a bunch of leaches!