Sunday, February 03, 2008

City looks to China for trade

By Richard Rolke - February 03, 2008

The City of Vernon is hoping to tap into the economic engine that is China. A delegation of four Chinese officials met with Mayor Wayne Lippert and other members of council Wednesday. “This is the third delegation we’ve had from China,” said Lippert. “They are looking for more than a sister city relationship. They want to work towards economic relationships.” The delegation included three representatives from the Tianjin University of Technology and Li Jinqing, president of Tianjin North Chemicals Industrial and Training Co. The primary interest was in the Okanagan’s fruit industry. “They are looking at making jam and at other ways of using fruit,” said Coun. Jack Gilroy. There were also discussions about Okanagan Spirits, which makes fruit-based liquor products, and the lumber industry. The Tianjin North Chemicals Industrial and Trading Co. manufactures caustic soda and is looking at increasing co-operation with Canadian businesses. With the U.S. economy going through some challenges and China being the most populous country in the world, Gilroy believes Vernon businesses must look to China.

“That’s going to be the next major market,” he said, adding that discussions about increasing the city’s profile should be held with the local economic development manager. Lippert hopes Vernon can form some strong relationships with China as a way of increasing economic development.“Any opportunity to bolster industry here is positive,” he said.Staff from B.C.’s Ministry of Economic Development also took part in the meeting between council and the Chinese delegation Wednesday.

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