Thursday, February 28, 2008

Don Quixote's reply to Online Transportation Survey

Online Survey available at City of Vernon's website.

# Do you support the proposed 10 year strategy? YES
Why or why not? Only if development pays FULL COST of all infrastructure caused by development. (NO FREE RIDE)
# Do you support the 10 to 25 year strategy, including the 27th Street extension? YES
Why or why not? Only if development pays FULL COST of all infrastructure caused by development. (NO FREE RIDE)
# Do you support the protection of the West Bypass Corridor or the No Bypass Option as a 25+ year strategy? protection of the West Bypass Corridor
Why or why not? I actually support the real Western Bypass on the west side of Okanagan Lake and will only support the Western Bypass option if other option not realized. Any Western Corridor Protection MUST include a property tax holiday for the private land within the corridor
# Rank the priorities for transportation planning, with number 1 indicating the highest priority, 2 the second highest priority, 3 the third highest priority, etc.
4. Single occupant vehicles.
5 High occupant vehicles.
6. Trucks and transport vehicles.
3. Public transit.
2. Cyclists.
1. Pedestrians.
. Other (please specify in the box below).

# Where are your highest priorities for sidewalk construction?
Better maintenance of existing sidewalks and more in existing older well established neighbourhoods like the East Hill. All new developments must contain sidewalks.

# Where are your highest priorities for transit routes?
Transit to Kelowna UBCO from Vernon

# Do you have any other comments on transportation issues?
Will the proposed Western Corridor be a DCC project? Will it be written into the DCC bylaw if it accepted? Will any portion be considered Developer pay or will the financial burden fall on the property taxpayers of Vernon who will look to the Provincial Government and Feds on bended knee ?


Anonymous said...

I would suggest that the Western Corridor would not be a DCC project because the City intends to sell the Ministry of Transportation on taking it over and building it as a part of the Provincial Highway system. As such, the City could not collect DCCs for the construction cost of it. If it remains a City-only project however, it damn well should be included in DCCs. I would estimate that DCCs for Single family dwelling lots in Vernon, as a result of its inclusion would approach $50,000.00 per lot for the roads portion only, depending on what happens with growth projections from the new OCP. Should make the develop-nothing-in-Vernon folks rather happy.

Anonymous said...

I think you should add the following options to your western bypass poll:

- East Vernon bypass
- railway overpass
- 27th St. bypass

City planners favour the western bypass, partly to move the heavy air and noise pollution created by a downtown bypass to Okanagan Landing, which has the poorest air ventilation of any of the bypass routes, and more negatives than any of the others.