Tuesday, February 26, 2008

New Website wants Western Bypass Now !


Traffic Pollution Damages Children's Lungs: That's a Fact

Vernon has four schools, a seniors homes, and a daycare within 500 metres of 27th Street. If we wait 10 or 25 years for a bypass, our children's lungs will be damaged by living and learning near a major highway.

Get Involved, Demand a Bypass Now!

It's Time to Challenge the
Foolishness of Waiting 25 Years for a Bypass!

Only people with little concern for the next generation and people with disabilities would choose lower taxes over protecting the health of the many children and vulnerable seniors who live near these highways. It is time that Vernonites who give a damn about our kids stood up and challenged what I call "The Vernonites Against Everything!"


Anonymous said...

Encouraging-look at the air quality advisory of Feb 19/08-Vernon the worst of Kamloops,Kelowna and Osoyoos-in fact terrible in comparison!

Anonymous said...

I suggest alternatives to those 'Vernonites who are FOR spending $600 million on this bypass: rail, efficient transit, bicycles, and feet! I'm all FOR taking back all this beautiful space from the machine and keeping the machine out of the green space we have left. And yes, we will all breathe easier.
P.S. traffic on 27th and 32nd will not disappear with a bypass--the traffic is LOCAL! I'm all FOR alternatives to the automobile.

Anonymous said...

Something has to be done about the traffic going through town. As voiced by Quixote there are the schools, daycares, care facilities and not to mention all the homes in the corridors. If we do not do something soon with all the boomers relocating to the valley we will end up like Harvey Avenue in Kelowna. No thanks. Why isn't East Vernon Road connected to Highway 6. Everyone coming out of Middleton, East Coldstream, Lavington, Lumby, Cherryville going out to the North end or the Star have to go right through town.

Anonymous said...

I didn't move to the City of Vernon and out OK Landing way to buy a house for my children to live in and play in so I could be next to a bypass. If I wanted to live in the down town area I would have bought there. I bought out this way to get away from the roads that are used by traffic to get to the things the city has to offer. You don't like the traffic in town move away from it and come hell or high water if I will let you put a bypass in my back yard.
Improve on what you have Vernon stop spending my tax dollors on a new road becuase you want a new toy.