Friday, February 01, 2008

NORD budget raises concerns at city hall

By Richard Rolke - February 01, 2008

Financial matters at the North Okanagan Regional District are generating considerable debate at Vernon city hall. Council debated several regional service issues Monday, while NORD’s provisional 2008 budget came under scrutiny. “I was totally alarmed when I looked at the NORD budget,” said Coun. Barry Beardsell. “It’s a very aggressive budget. This budget is irresponsible as far as the taxpayers of Vernon are concerned.” NORD gave three readings to the provisional 2008 budget last week. It includes a seven per cent overall tax requisition for the entire region. Officials state that the hike is needed because of some new programs that have been created, and because the general cost of doing business has climbed. However, Beardsell questions some items in the budget, such as $3 million for expansion of the NORD office in Coldstream. Beardsell says expansion should not be considered until the outcome of a valley-wide governance review is completed. He also took issue with NORD, stating that it will save $70,000 by using existing administration instead of having a separate manager for the Greater Vernon Services Committee.

“GVSC is not getting the benefit of governance from the bureaucrats. The service has been cut to pieces,” he said. On Monday, council agreed to changes to the Okanagan Film Commission function, but the prospect of the city paying an extra $4,000 a year didn’t go over well with Coun. Juliette Cunningham. “We are paying $19,000 out of the $26,000 (total from NORD). Where’s the equity?” she said, adding that Vernon’s costs are climbing while other communities are reducing their commitment. Beardsell also joined Cunningham in voting against the changes to the film commission. “Every time NORD wants money, the answer is, ‘Yes, how much?’” he said. Beardsell also voted against a reapportionment of transit funding for each community, and he blasted the rest of council for going along with it. “I can’t believe how some of these councillors vote. It appears that money is no object,” he said.

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