Friday, February 15, 2008

Robbery suspect caught with help of good citizen

Released by: Gordon Molendyk For the Vernon RCMP 250-260-7161

At about 8:40 AM yesterday Vernon RCMP were called to a complaint of a purse snatching in the area of 32nd St and 30th Ave in Vernon. An observant citizen witnessed a victim struggle with a female suspect as she tried to steal the victims purse. The female witness gave chase and grabbed the suspect by the shirt. The suspect managed to slip out of it and get away. In the struggle the suspect dropped the purse and it was recovered and returned to the victim. The female suspect was arrested by police a short distance away. At the time of her arrest she had managed to find a jacket to wear, the 26 year old suspect was returned to cells where she is being charged with robbery and is to appear in court on March 5th at 9:00 AM. The 60 year old female victim sustained minor bruising when she fell attempting to hang onto her purse in the struggle with the suspect attempting pull it from her arm.

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