Thursday, February 21, 2008

Stakeholders to Decide Library Plan

By Pete McIntyre 107.5 KISSFM

The Okanagan Regional Library board will continue to pursue an upgraded library in Vernon. At their meeting Wednesday, board members unanimously passed a motion to form a committee of stakeholders to look at what to do next after last month's failed referendum. Vernon director Patrick Nicol says it's like starting over, and the planning will take some time. "The last process took six years and this process won't take that long because some of the options, at some point, have to be declared already pursued and probably not viable."Nicol says the current building will be looked at to see if there's short term improvements that can be made.He says the need for an improved branch is still there, noting Vernon's library is the most used facility in the entire Okanagan Library system.


Rebecca Barton, Astral Media Radio - Kelowna

The issue of library space in Vernon was the hot topic at the Okanagan Regional Library AGM. The quest to find more library space in Vernon is not over. Members passed a motion to set-up a sub-committee to work with the city to find a solution. Executive Director Lesley Dieno says ORL members are not turning their back on Vernon despite the recent 'no' vote in the civic-library referendum. Some board members question the validity of referendum results and say a high-percentage of voters were seniors on a fixed income, who simply did not want to pay more tax. Dieno adds that the lack of library space in Vernon has been an issue for about 10 years and recent census numbers show Vernon's library is less than 52-per-cent of the size it should be.


Anonymous said...

What a bunch of idiots-to question the validity of the referendum. I bet that the board members who question the validity remain nameless and I also bet one of them was P Nuckle.

Anonymous said...

It's really sad that Vernon residents can't have the facilities that they deserve. Literacy is the foundation of advancing society. Luckily for the past residents of Vernon, in the 60's we had a council willing to see into the future. At the time that the current City Hall was constructed the population was less than 1/3 of what it is now - that's our landmark City Hall - dealing with the business of the City today with 1/3 of the space. Kelowna has a beautiful civic centre - maybe some of the no voters should go down there to see what true vision is. Come on Vernon - what - 45 bucks a year... less than 1 buck a week to have a complex to see into the future. Tony S. has put fear into the senior citizens of this city with the help of a member of council - to the resulting stagnation we see today. Get on with the business of governing for the betterment of all citizens - as far as I'm concerned, there shouldn't even have been a vote - this is a facility that is passed being needed - it's absolutely necessary. Now, the City will go lease office spaces off of private citizens at the going rate - like that will save any money... someone will make money off of this transaction and you can bet it won't be the taxpayer. The library will seek an alternate site - we'll end up with all these things over time but they'll be spread all over the City and will be representative of what the citizens have asked for. You get what you pay for = garbage in / garbage out. I'm sad to say that we, as residents can't look ahead instead of looking around in fear. I hope that our children/grandchildren can forgive us for not having any foresight.