Saturday, February 23, 2008

Vernon sells Poplar/Cottonwood trees

by Rachael Kimola -Feb 23, 2008 CASTANET
The City of Vernon wants to unload some wood. About 2,000 tonnes of it. Roughly 1,500 Poplar/Cottonwood trees are up for sale through the City’s Operation Yard. Doctor Michael Carlson worked with the City to start the project the trees were planted for. “They were planted back in 1988 as a way for the City to learn how waste water irrigation impacts trees. They did a very good job, but the problem is they have grown very tall. We planted them too close together and now some of them are showing signs of ill-health because they are packed together too tightly,” says Carlson. He says the City is accepting offers for the trees which have many commercial uses. “They can be made into furniture, particle board, just about anything.” Dr. Carlson says the City will be replanting trees to replace the cut ones. “We will be replanting this spring, but the trees will be spread out more to make the space more accessible to the community. The land has become a popular public area, people come to walk their dogs and enjoy the space.” Carlson says about half the trees, located on Bench Row Road, will be cut down. “About 15 acres worth of trees will be cut. The deadline for bids is February 25. We are hoping to clear the area in March and get to the replanting by the end of April or early May.”
Bid offer forms for the trees are available at the City of Vernon website.
Don Quixote Note: I wonder how much 200 tonnes of trees will bring. Has the revenue being anticipated in the 2008 Budget ??

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