Monday, March 31, 2008

Barrage of Bullshit

Yesterday the president announced in his latest barrage of bullshit that our top general told him the surge is working because in a helicopter flight over Bagdhad 15 months ago the top general did not see one soccer game being played but just the other day he looked out of helicopter and "COUNTED 180 Soccer Games being played..."

A General COUNTED 180 games being played? No one told him about it . He said he saw it and he counted it .

1- How long must anyone fly up , to be able to find and to count 180 games of anything ??
2- How come this general counted 180 soccer-games, had he nothing else to do ???
3- How come this general identified a soccer-game ? how low was his Helicopter flying ??
4- Was the general flying over Baghdad or accidentally, over Rio de Janeiro ???
5 - Does Baghdad have 180 soccer-stadiums ? or did that general count only the players....?

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