Friday, March 14, 2008

Citizens committee draws board support

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - March 14, 2008

A citizens’ committee on cultural amenities is a step closer to reality, but not everyone is in favour. The Greater Vernon Services Committee agreed Thursday that it will consider draft terms of reference and participation in a committee proposed by the City of Vernon. It would look at the needs of the museum and art gallery. “We heard from citizens in the Greater Vernon area that they’d like to have input on this,” said director Wayne Lippert, who is also the city’s mayor. Lippert also pointed out that the museum and art gallery fall within the jurisdiction of GVSC. “It’s their money (Areas B, C, Coldstream and Vernon) going to it so why wouldn’t they have a voice?” Gary Corner, GVSC chairman and Coldstream mayor, insists residents outside of the city should be involved in looking at the space needs of the cultural groups.“This isn’t anything really scary — it’s just a public committee,” he said. “It’s just gathering information and what is done with that information will be up to this (GVSC) committee.” Director Pat Cochrane, who also sits on city council, doesn’t believe the cultural agencies can be ignored. “The art gallery and the museum have serious issues and they will need to be dealt with,” he said. However, Stan Field, BX-Silver Star director, opposed the motion. “The city is trying to make amends to the public for all of their screw-ups on how the cultural complex was brought forward,” he said, referring to the civic complex plans which were defeated by Vernon voters in January. Field is concerned GVSC could become involved in a process that it has no say over. “They (city) want that committee to report to them. If they want GVSC involved, it should report to GVSC,” he said. Field is also worried the citizens’ committee would also look at space needs for city hall and the RCMP, which fall outside of the mandate of GVSC. Cliff Kanester, BX-Swan Lake director, supported the motion but believes larger facilities for the museum and art gallery go beyond GVSC’s scope. “They are part of the mandate but they can’t be expanded without everyone being on side,” he said. “If they want to expand, go to referendum and see if the people want them to expand.”

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