Sunday, March 30, 2008

Coldstream Council to debate Tax reduction Motion on Monday March 31 at 4 PM

Special Regular Meeting Agenda - 30Kb
Main Motion
THAT the report from the Director of Financial Administration, dated March 25, 2008, regarding Results of Operations – 2007 and 2008 Budget, be received;
AND THAT $15,000 be added to the Equipment Replacement Reserve to bring the 2008 contribution to $225,000 as per the approved Long-Range Equipment Replacement Plan;

AND THAT an additional $50,000 be added to the snow removal budget, and $15,000 to the furniture and equipment budget for the new fire halls, as well as $5,000 for signage for the new fire halls;

AND THAT $100,000 be added to the Building Stabilization Reserve which was set up at the end of 2006 to stabilize budgeting for the building inspection function;

AND FURTHER THAT the tax increase for 2008 be reduced from 9.17% to 6.95%.

Amending Motion
THAT the main motion be amended as follows:
(a) In the fourth paragraph, by replacing “$100,000” with “$60,000”.

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