Monday, March 24, 2008

Community Policing Closing

Betty Selin, Astral Media Radio - Vernon

Coldstream residents are losing their community policing office. It will close tomorrow. Coldstream council is currently reviewing all services as part of their budget process. In a news release, the Administrator says they have decided the service doesn't meet the requirements of the District and alternate approaches for service delivery are being considered.RCMP services out of the Vernon Detachment won't be affected and Coldstream will be asking that volunteer programs like speed watch and citizen's on patrol continue to serve the community. The Administrator says alternate approaches for service delivery are being considered and it won't affect any of the RCMP services the community receives out of the Vernon RCMP Detachment.


Policing Office Closed Pete McIntyre 107.5 KISS FM

The District of Coldstream has closed it's community policing office, as a cost cutting move. The office had been open for the last four years but Mayor Gary Corner says District council felt many of the services could be provided at lower cost, through the Vernon office. Corner tells KISS FM "I think there were quite a few services through community policing that we were paying for, but really, were not getting that type of service, so we've looked at closing down the office and then contracting back to community policing in Vernon just for the specific things we need in for our community." Corner says the office cost around $150,000 a year to operate. The lone employee, Kate Leeder, has been laid off. She was in charge of coordinating services like speed watch and citizens on patrol. Corner says the policing office, which is next door to the municipal hall, will likely be used for District staff.

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