Tuesday, March 25, 2008

DCC's and 5 year Financial Plan Highligh Tuesday Council Sessions !

There are a few significant highlights at Tuesday's Council meetings. They include:
  • Passage of 3 readings of DCC bylaw 5096 which go on to Victoria for final approval. (A summary of the rates etc can be found at DCC RATE INCREASE CHEATSHEET
  • City of Vernon 2008 Financial Plan Bylaw Number 5133 will be given 3 readings and a date of April 14th, 2008 will be set to follow the Public Hearing at 5:30 pm for Public input. There has been no discussion on tax ratio between the business and residential classes and the 2.26% tax hike planned in this budget may yet be illusionary. The tax hike for the fire could be announced and any reconciliation of the Okanagan Fire specified area and the Old City Area seem to have fallen by the wayside. The Garbage and recycling fees may be going up almost 10% and this too may be announced?

  • There is nothing in the agenda that indicates the official transfer of the money INTO the Police reserve as is required by Council Policy will be accomplished in the near future by a formal resolution authorizing it and the ratification of the transfer OUT of this reserve for its actual use as a source of funds for Middleton will occur with a simultaneous motion. See details at Guns and Badges surplus go to Finance Middleton Way!
  • There is nothing in the agenda that reveals the discussion with the City's lawyers about the implementation of a higher per slot machine rate on the business license of the local Casino. Or whether a fee could be levied on the owner (the BCLC) of the same slot machines.
  • No indications in the agenda on whether the City will appeal the assessment ruling on the BC Transmission Control centre. (a $21.7 million Building Permit that was assessed at a lessor value and split as 50% Business and 50% Utility.)
  • The City will hold a: Public Input Session on the Draft Transportation Plan at the Vernon Recreation Complex Tuesday, March 25 at 5:30 p.m.

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