Thursday, March 20, 2008

Governance Report

Starlee Speers, Astral Media Radio - Vernon

The committee that had the task of looking at different regional governance options in the Okanagan has held their last meeting before the final report goes to the Minister. Task force vice chair Jerry Oglow says, they've narrowed governance options down to two. They are either a single regional district or keeping all three and creating a regional authority. But he says they require further cost benefit analysis. Vernon Mayor Wayne Lippert says he's comfortable with the committee's report. The mayors from the four largest municipalities will meet Thursday to go over the report before it's sent off. Lippert says, they may add notes from the city's perspective or even nothing at all. He says he believes the governance report will give the Minister the direction she was asking for. Oglow, who is the chair of NORD, will present the report along with the other two regional chairmen to Minister Ida Chong next Tuesday.

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