Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Is this the beginning of the end of GVW as we know it?

Coldstreamer Posting March 3/08

The joint "darkside meeting" (apologies to Don Quixote) commenced at Coldstream Municipal Hall. The subject was not divulged directly but it appears that they assembled to disassemble Greater Vernon Water.

What a bunch of wasted time and wasted money! Well, not for everybody. Vernon and the developers of Vernon seem to have everything they wanted. Those of us east of Kalamalka Lake in Coldstream, the Electoral Area residents and residents of West Swan Lake only had the pleasure of paying hugely inflated water rates. Will we ever get any improvement? Only if we live to be a hundred (or more).

However, no one complains very loudly so politicians go on their merry ways debating endlessly issues like governance and overhead costs and all sorts of other useful(?) items. How much more indignities will our taxpayers suffer?

Interestingly, politicians from Vernon and Coldstream often blame NORD and GVSC without reference to the fact that THEY are NORD and GVSC. NORD has two (2) representatives on GVSC, Vernon has three (3) and Coldstream has two (2). They legislate in NORD what they hesitate to legislate in their Council and they blame NORD for the fallout. Good trick!

Well, I hope the magnificent 14 had an excellent, fruitful meeting and we may even see some of our money returned. I wish!
Don Quixote Note: The above is a direct cut and paste from the Coldstreamer's website.

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