Tuesday, March 11, 2008

New name for Multiplex

Pete McIntyre 107.5 KISSFM

It took seven years but the naming rights to the Vernon Multiplex have finally been sold. The facility is now called Wesbild Centre after a ten year deal for the sponsorship was purchased by Wesbild Holdings. The BC based real estate development company that owns Predator Ridge Golf Resort, is paying $40,000 a year for the first five years, and $50,000 annually for the final five years. ($550,00 total) Greater Vernon Services chairman Gary Corner says having a private company managing the facility until recently, was one reason it took so long to sell the sponsorship. "At one point, there was a private contractor here (Recreation Excellence). It was their responsibility to look for a sponsor for this building. Obviously, they struggled with that and ever since we've made that change (to operation by GVS), we've made it a priority to get this building named." Corner says there were no other companies in the running for the rights.
"Wesbild was the company that stepped forward. The nice thing about Wesbild is it's not just a company that wants to stick their name on the building. It's a real community involvement and a long term committment to the community, not just to this building." While the deal starts today, the actual changing of the signs on the building will take place at a ceremony and public skate in April.

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