Friday, March 21, 2008

Questions erupt over GVSC staff dismissal

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - March 21, 2008

A dismissal at the Greater Vernon Services Committee has fuelled a political uproar. North Okanagan Regional District administrator Brian Reardon let go Daisy Foster, policies manager for Greater Vernon’s water utility, Monday although elected representatives at GVSC were not part of the matter. “It has all of the appearances of a way to abolish GVSC in an underhanded fashion,” said Barry Beardsell, alternate director. Reardon is quick to defend his actions. “We are going through a restructure in the (water) department and changing the way we do business. We want to augment more of the technical side of things,” he said. “Personnel matters are administrative and fall under my control. There was no need to confer with GVSC.”

But Beardsell questions how the politicians can be kept out of restructuring, especially when he was at a service review meeting on GVSC water Monday. “There was absolutely nothing said on this matter. Something smells here,” he said. Director Wayne Lippert didn’t become aware of Foster’s dismissal until late Monday. “I’m not sure what led up to it because I’ve not been apprised of Lippert is upset the GVSC board was not consulted. “That’s one of the reasons why the city has put in for withdrawal from the (water) service. GVSC is not effective anymore,” he said. “We have an administrator that’s working for the (regional) district but not the participants.” Gary Corner, GVSC chairman, is not concerned his board did not have a say on Foster’s employment. “She worked for Brian Reardon and was part of his staff. It’s his prerogative,” said Corner. Director Cliff Kanester isn’t sure why some GVSC directors are upset. “They are NORD staff, and not GVSC staff,” he said.

Director Stan Field insists the politicians agreed to how staff would be handled when Reardon was hired. “When Brian’s contract was made up, he was given authority to hire and fire employees of the regional district as he sees fit,” said Field. That position is also held by Jerry Oglow, NORD chairman. “GVSC is a group of four stakeholders and administration is working hard to match the appropriate human resources with these significant services the stakeholders want to deliver,” he said. Foster, who was with GVSC for three years, was told Monday that would be her last day. “The regional district said it wants to move forward with restructuring with water and I support the need for that,” she said. I am pleased with my successes but am happy to be moving on.


Who’s running the store? Mar 21 EDITORIAL Morning Star

There’s more proof again that the Greater Vernon Services Committee is a complete mess. Directors are split over who should have the authority to dismiss staff — themselves or Brian Reardon, North Okanagan Regional District administrator. And like many things in life, the actual answer to that question is rather complicated and muddy. Politicians, including those who are now complaining, agreed that Reardon would be responsible for all staffing aspects of NORD, including GVSC. So the fact that Reardon dismissed an employee Monday shouldn’t come as a surprise. But it appears that Reardon may have overstepped his authority. The reason given for the dismissal was a restructuring of the water utility so the focus is more on technical issues than policies and planning. The water utility is a major service that all Greater Vernon residents depend on and pay for, so is it appropriate for a bureaucrat to be shifting direction? Shouldn’t restructuring be left in the hands of our elected representatives because they are ultimately responsible to the public?

In the end, politicians shouldn’t be involved in the day-to-day operations of government. If they don’t have trust in their senior administrator to look after things, he shouldn’t be there. However, bureaucrats must remember that they are ultimately answerable to elected politicians and some policy matters are out of their domain. The continuation of this them-and-us struggle between NORD and some GVSC directors is growing old and it’s time everyone got on with the business at hand — serving the public.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gary Corner is never concerned! He should not be the chair of GVSC with that attitude.No small wonder that GVSC is failing. Maybe Corner wants it to fail.