Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Ratepayer resigns

By Jennifer Smith - Vernon Morning Star - March 05, 2008

Following a four-year battle for a better community, the founding voice for taxpayers has ended his reign. Coldstream Ratepayers Association president Andy Danyliu has resigned. “I’ve fought the good fight on behalf of my community,” said Danyliu, who has spent the last four years challenging Coldstream’s council of the day on everything from water and sewer to honesty and accountability. “I wanted to leave after success, which was alerting the community to the dangers of the entertainment centre...or sports complex as they called it.” Also, since founding the association four years ago and serving as president for the majority of that time, Danyliu is weary from all the work. “I’m resigning because I’m tired,” said Danyliu, who also ran for mayor in the last municipal election, but was narrowly defeated. Along with fighting the District of Coldstream over a variety of concerns, Danyliu says he is tired of fighting with The Morning Star. He claims the newspaper has ignored his concerns. With Danyliu’s resignation, the association is seeking candidates for a new president. “We are looking for strong candidates who are willing to stand up to city hall,” said Danyliu. Until that position can be filled, association vice-president Gyula Kiss has taken the reins. Kiss has nothing but praise for all the work Danyliu has done. “I don’t think anybody appreciates it enough because it’s a lot of work,” said Kiss, who is sad to see Danyliu go. “His guidance will be missed by all.” Although Danyliu has stepped down, he is not completely fading from the radar. He will continue to be involved with the Coldstream Ratepayers Association as well as the Vernon Taxpayers Association.“All I’m trying to do is make the community that embraced me as good a place as when I moved into it.” One initiative to that effect will be the upcoming municipal election in November in Coldstream. “There’s only three councillors whose re-election we will support,” said Danyliu, naming off Bill Firman, Jim Garlick and Doug Dirk.

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